Winter Park – Visioning Scope of Services
On September 23, 2014, ULI Central Florida convened a Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) at the request of the City of Winter Park. The TAP was asked to explore the current situation in the City and make recommendations about a scope of services for a process to build the City’s Visioning Plan, inclusive of the community’s diverse stakeholders.
The recommendations are outlined as follows:
- Handle the process of hiring a consulting firm as an RFP.
- Make the vision a values-based process.
- Make diverse citizen engagement a priority.
- Create a Steering Committee to oversee the project.
- Organize the vision to answer: Where are we now; Where are we going; Where to we want to go; How do we get there?
- Determine the status of the vision and how it will be used.
Vision Winter Park, a year-long process that began in June 2015, includes many recommendations from the ULI TAP, including a highly immersive public involvement process; inclusion of a diverse and representative Steering Committee; and a focus on a value-based and action-oriented framework.
Here is the final report from the TAP: Winter Park Visioning TAP.